Monday, December 10, 2012

Blog Post #10: A Blog on Your Blog

We have now come to the end of our blogging journey. I do hope you had an interesting and engaging time using the technology to apply concepts learned in class to your own reading.

For our last blog task, you are going to assume the role of a character in a novel you have read for class this semester. Imagine he/she has been surfing the net, and happened upon your blog and read your entries.


  • What would he/she have to contribute to the discussion surrounding the journey and its stages? 
  • What would he/she write as a response?
  • What tone (attitude of the speaker) and diction would your character use?   

Your character can respond to your blog in general about the journey archetype or the character can respond to a specific blog entry. If you decide to do the latter, be sure to identify the blog entry addressed in your opening sentence.

Remember, your character has NOT been studying the archetypal journey and characters found in literature, like you have this semester.  Therefore, he/she would be reacting to your insights about this approach to stories, and he/she would be making text to self or text to world connections. 

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